Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Enlargement of Love...

So, I was riding the bus back last night after a wonderful massage... and just listening to Passion 06 CD "Everything Glorious"... what can I say, absolutely glorious album that takes u right into the heart of worship.

and at some point, I became very aware that the Lord was performing something supernatural in my spirit... He was enlarging my wineskin, literally, stretching it and stretching it, it was so streched out that I thought it was going to tear. Have u ever been physically torn in many directions? that was kind of what it felt... I felt so stretched that I thought I would just burst apart and it was getting difficult to breathe. Though stretched, the wineskin, however, was not filled, it did contain some wine, but nowhere close to filling the stretched wineskin.

Even as I am pondering and writing this blog, God is revealing and explaining the meaning of that encounter with Him...

1) the wineskin was the container to contain gifts from God... but specifically for this instance, God was speaking to me about love... about containing the Love from God...

2) God had supernaturally enlarged the capacity of the wineskin to contain more of His love... it's not just about receiving more love from God, but to know that the capacity of the wineskin is now much, much larger... the filling will be progressive but the capacity has been enlarged... when the wineskin is small, one could easily be content with just receiving a little from the Lord thinking that if the wineskin is full, it's sufficient ... now that the capacity is enlarged, greater will be the appetite, greater will be the amount that is poured in by the Lord...

3) where the provision is great, the supply will also be great, and the risk of running out (or burning out) will also be much lower. so the Lord will enlarge the container to contain His love, that there will a greater capacity to love. A greater capacity to love the Lord; a greater capacity to love man; a greater capacity to love and attend to not just one thing or one person, but a greater capacity to shower God's love in the many areas that the Lord will be leading me to.

The Lord truly is amazing and I pray that you will come to also experience the great Love of the Father.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007


The Lord is my Shepherd,
the Lord is my Strength,
the Lord is my tower of refuge,
the Rock on which I stand.

To Him I will run,
to Him I will hide,
to Him I will sing my praises,
& to Him I'll raise my banner high.

To the Lord we'll raise our voices,
to the Lord we'll lift our eyes,
to the Lord we'll life our burdens,
& to the Lord our praises arise.

The Lord will grant our wishes,
the Lord is help in time,
the Lord will give us presents,
He whispers, & we're alive.

Our spirits rise to join His,
our spirits soar on high,
our spirits unite with His love,
& in Him, is everlasting life.

O Lord, U r my refuge,
o Lord, U gave me life,
o Lord, Ur voice sustains me,
& Ur breath, it give me life.

& so to U I'll run,
& in U I will abide,
Forever my Beloved,
I am Urs and U r mine...

My soul it rejoices in Thee
--- my Spirit, my Strength, my Life...
I will sing praises only to Thee
--- forever, till the day I die.

My Lord, my Lord, my Redeemer,
in U, I am ALIVE...

No voice, no face, no life
--- comes close to Ur eyes on mine,
& till I see Ur face in heaven,
In U alone... I'll abide.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Enlargement of Tent of PRAISE

This is really a summary of my 2.5 week, mini-round-the-world trip.... =)

My heart's desire for 2007 was "More of Jesus", to know Him and to know Him more intimately. I knew that God was going to show me His manifestations and He gave me the key of PRAISE!!!

Psalms 100:4
" Enter into His gates with THANKSGIVING,
& into His courts with PRAISE,
Be thankful to Him and Bless His Name!"

The unfolding began at a Saturday service sermon at Tung Fook church (Annie's church in HKG). The pastor preached on being a true worshipper of God; a worshipper that worships in Spirit (led by the Spirit and not by worldly/fleshly ways) and in Truth (consistent both on the inside and on the outside) --> John 4:24. Little did I realise how recurring this theme of Praise and Worship will be.

Next, was an awesome time at "The Ark" near U of Berkeley, California. It was awesome to be worshipping with ppl that are obviously in love with Jesus. For the 1st time, I experienced almost 2 hrs of free form worship, no one song that was known was sung, everything was the result of the leading of the Holy Spirit... fresh off the oven... =) That was some worship!

The Worship conference at White Horse (church that I attended for the most part I was at Purdue) really solidified the LOrd's teachings. Pastor Jeff really taught on the benefits of Praise, how our praise and worship takes us into the presence of God, and allows us to have victory in Praise!
Few highlights:
--> a true worshipper is Grounded in the Word and Open to the Spirit
--> the direction of our lives is established in worship; we become what we worship
--> A surrendered heart is the start of worship
--> As we worship the Lord, we experience a revelation of GOd's nature (the thing that I fear losing is the very thing that as I worship the Lord with and He'll use it to multiply and bless)
--> Destiny and Vision is revealed in our worship of the Lord
--> there's Victory in Praise, it leads us into the throneroom of God's presence and changes our circumstances so that we are positioned to see and hear from the Lord!!

To have more of Him... The key is to keep Praising, is to keep Worshipping the living King... my trip was all that and much more.... way beyond what I could imagine or think... and God even uses the unpleasant things about the trip for GREAT good... He is so awesome...

Besides the great manifestations of the Lord, there are just so many other things to be super thankful for:

1) Sharing and praying with awesome sisters in Christ!

Annie n Lillian @ HKG;

Lisa @ SF

Bok+Val + 2 kids (Aaron n Nathan) @ ORD (we even played Settlers....awesome!! n esp for the special prayer time with Val n Nathan)

n many other believers that I got to know on the trip....

2) Catch up with long-time no see friends...

Jared @ SF (housemate when I was doing Masters in GeorgiaTech)

Folks @ Purdue Repertory Dance Co. that I danced with when I was at Purdue... it was awesome to be able to take classes when I was there!!

Folks @ WHCC

Leigh @ NYC

3) Prophetic Words n Prayers
--> folks at the Ark (Joseph, Sarah, Joy, Lisa, YinShen, Aileen)
--> Dan @ WHCC
--> Joy and John Weller @ WHCC

4) Mr. Joshua Brady Farrell a.k.a. JB
So I guess, this is my public announcement platform that I am attached.... =) yupps, after 4 over years.... this is for real... haha.

God has been guiding and leading us and we are both excited and looking forward to the unfolding of His plans and purposes for us. Was good to be able to hang out after not seeing each other for over 4 years and to meet his family members.
Well, if u r based in Singapore and or visiting around end Sep, u might just get to see him. He's planning a trip then.

SO much was packed and revealed on this trip that I don't believe I have succintly been able to capture everything... I look forward to catching with some of u and sharing more about the trip...
Have a wonderful CNY ya all!

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