Who am I?
--> We need a firm grip on the truth of God's Word before we will experience much success at practical Christianity. A fruitful Christian life is the result of living by faith according to what God said is true.
--> Believing something doesn't make it true; God said it is true, therefore we believe it. (the cool thing is when we believe and obey His Word, practical victorious living also testifies to the truth of the Word)
--> We are neither saved nor sanctified by how we behave but by how we believe.
--> You have to know and believe positional truth to successfully progress in your sanctification or you are going to try doing for yourself what God has already done for you.
--> We are what we are by the grace of God.
--> You must believe that you are a child of God to live like a child of God.
--> We are redeemed saints, not forgiven sinners. We are saints who sin, but we have all the resources in Christ we need not to sin.
--> As believers, we are not trying to become saints, we are saints who are becoming like Christ.
--> It is not what you do as a Christian that determines who you are; it is who you are that determines what you do.
--> We don't serve God to gain His acceptance; we are accepted, so we serve God. We don't follow Him to be loved; we are loved, so we follow Him.
--> I already please Him by who I am in Christ.
--> God has not given us the power to imitate Him. He has made us partakers of His nature so that we can actually be like Him.
Some other thoughts
We affect others significantly by what we say about them, and what we say is determined by what we believe about them.
Being filled and led by the Spirit may take you places you never planned; but the will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you.
A good theology is an indispensable prerequisite to a good psychology, but if good theology doesn't result in a transformation of heart, then the knowledge gained will only seek to puff up and in turn, be meaningless.
Thoughts n notes from re-reading Neil Anderson's Victory Over The Darkness.
Labels: Inspirations