Friday, June 01, 2007

long update... part 2

alrighties... so here's part 2...

we had a number of special speakers in church over the last month... it was absolutely phenomenal... seeing God work miracles and the physical manifestations of the Holy Spirit during the meetings really showed that God indeed works in the supernatural... i was touched, prayed for, prophesied over and definitely learnt during this period of time... He really showed me much during these meetings, many of which will be better shared in person... so the next time u meet me... u can ask me... =)

and of coz.. most of ya would be curious about how's things with JB... the summarised version will be... everything is progressing according to God's pace... =) we are very thankful for the grace that He has given us... suffice to say that there'll always be challenges but never anything that God has not already prepared the grace for us both to walk through...

well, he was here for 2.5 days from late night 3 May (Thurs) till early morning of May 6 (Sun). we really squeezed a lot in during the 2.5 days including supper, morning and late night walks, early morning breakfast with parents, visit to NTU, shopping around city hall, prayer meeting @ My Father's House, hangout at Lynn n Cal's with the Purdue folks and getting competitive at Guesstures between the boys n the gals, lunch with his Singaporean friends (yeah, he does have friends here that I met for the 1st time... =)), watched "One night with the King" with cellgroup... it's basically the story on Esther... seafood dinner @ East Coast and of coz the final send-off @ the airport... ok so here are some pics....

My foot n his... the yellow n brown vs. red n white... hahaha

Lunch @Marina square waraku with his NTU friends...

here's us... trying to take some spontaneous pics....

send-off at the airport...

well, I will be going to the US for 2 weeks early Aug... so we'll get to spend sometime together again then... =)

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the past 2 months...

hello my dear friends... it has been absolutely forever since I last blogged... ok, it really is exactly 2 months ago since my last entry....

So i am settling in very well in my new job, am still working on the first task that i blogged about... and God has allowed many opportunities to share what I put together with various department heads in the organisation... I am also very thankful for the opportunity to take minutes at the weekly senior mgmt meeting... it's very precious to be able to see how mgmt thinks, feels and acts... =)

- Group Induction at the Orchird Country Club and got to meet newbies (and not so new ones) from other parts of the NTUC family (co-ops mainly);

- Ferried to Batam for a union's retreat;

- Screened PMETs (Professionals, Managers, Executives and Technicians) for a job placement exercise... first time i got to interview ppl, good experience...;

- Been through 3 retrenchment exercises... the older the workers and the lower their education level, the more emotional the exercise... but we are there to share with them that we are committed to helping them find a job, if they help us help them... and they are mostly appreciative.

- Attended a couple of dialogue sessions with ministers with the union leaders and got chance to observe how union leaders advocate for their members;

- Held a talk with parents of needy students in a secondary school to see if we could find their moms jobs... they really explore various ways to see how we can help those who need a job.. try first and fine tune along the way... it fail, at least we have tried our best... not a bad approach for our own lives....

- Got to pass 194+ 23 trophies on stage to Min Lim Boon Heng during the May Day Model Worker's Award ceremony... i had to modify how i pass him the trophy coz my nails keep poking him when i handed the trophies to him... hahaha....

- Toured Keppel Shipyard and ended up referring the bus driver for that day to the marine sector coz he was interested in working there.... he was going to be out of a job come end june... this is part of why i am so motivated at my new workplace...

- Assistant Class MOnitor for an event where we conducted a tour for union leaders to understand the type of training that NTUC provides to help the workers get better jobs / pay.

The experience and exposure is pretty amazing thus far... and really looking forward to really making a positive contribution to the organisation in the remaining 10 mths...

now moving onto leisure... since it'll take too long to blog on every one of them... i'll highlight the memorable ones...

- cyn yi cooked a delicious 7-8 course dinner (it's the private kitchen style.... for the gals =) absolutely spoilt us... if u are not her friends yet... u may wanna stand in line... btw, i will be conducting interviews on her behalf... we will take the negotiations offline... hahahha....

- dinner with xiaoyu and yicai at Le Petite @ Serene centre... yicai will be graduating from bible college and returning to taiwan to serve in her church... hence it was like a farewell dinner that i wanted to buy them... and funny thing is, the place takes only cash and i was cashless... so the one buying the treat had to borrow $$ first to pay for the meal... super lost form right?

- celebrated michiko's b'dae at oosh... the floor mgr was super nice and extended us much grace when it came to corkage charges... haven't drank alcohol in a long while... but had a glass of champagne and red wine that night... they were delicious but i don't think i will miss alcohol too much... =)

This is getting quite long... so will do part 2 separately....


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