Monday, August 07, 2006

My God... My Father... My Daddy...

When God goes to such great length to tell u something... u know it's something important and u pray u'll remember that for life and for eternity to come....

"And I have declared to them Your Name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them." (John 17:26)

To really digest the Word, I am typing out Jesus' sayings and saving it in a doc... and am working through the Book of John from the last chapter...
1) first read John 17 last Friday night... awesome time with the Lord under the night sky near my condo's pool. Jesus prayed in John 17 to God that He will keep us through "Your Name" and that He had came to manifest and to declare "Your Name"... as I being ministered to by the word...
2) the CD that was playing on my laptop played the song "Your Name" by Paul Baloche.... the song really ministered to me and spent sometime thinking about the different names of God and just how wonderful our God is...
3) in case u didn't know, i just got back from a weekend trip to Phuket to hang out with the gals... awesome time... and throughout the trip, the song that kept playing in my head was "Your Name"
4) Got back last night and missed preaching so thought I would listen to the last cd in Pastor Prince's series on The awesome love of the Father.... and guess what... it was an annointed sermon on Father's Day about Fatherhood (the entire message will take too long to share... u can borrow my cds.... =)) and quoted from John 17... God has many names but Jesus came to reveal a special name of God... God as our Father!!!
5) That was not all... this morning when I came back from my morning run... thought would continue reading through John, but before starting thought I would format the Scriptures that I typed on Friday night... and guess what, the first Scriptures to format was John 17

If He keeps reminding me of His Name... and has told me that His Name that Christ came to reveal is Father.... I know my Father is telling me something and He really wants me to never forget it...

Jesus came to reveal God as Abba, as Father... as Daddy... My God is all powerful and wonderful, yes He is my God... but He is above all, my Father... my Daddy.

It is when you truly know and believe in this Name of God that you can have faith to believe that the only thing that you need to do in the Kingdom of God is to believe... because this name of God reveals that the Almighty God that formed you and mould you even before you were born, loves you beyond imagination and it is His good pleasure to give you all things... no good thing will He withhold from you... We are His beloved and the Beloved Father is ours...

Believe in His Name.... believe in your Father... in your Daddy....

Will you believe that God loves you? Will you believe that God is your Daddy?



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