Sunday, February 19, 2006

Discipline n Fear of the Lord

So I asked the Lord...

i) What's the biblical difference between indulgence in the flesh, discipline and legalism?

ii) What does it really mean to fear the Lord?

He replied through 1 Peter...

the practicalities of being disciplined...
--> "gird up the loins of ur mind" (1:13)
--> "be sober"(1:13)
--> "not conforming urselves to the former lusts" (1:14)
--> "honorable conduct" (2:11)
--> "not using liberty as a clock for vice" (2:16)

To be disciplined is to have the power in Christ to crucify the flesh, that it may be resurrected by the Spirit... to be able to say No to the flesh and to say Yes to the Spirit. Anything more rigid is legalism and anything more lax is taking God's liberty for granted.

the Whys to be disciplined
--> to be holy as God is holy (1:16)
--> fear of the Lord (1:17-19)
--> to be a living testimony to unbelievers (2:11-12)
--> to live for the will of God (4:1-2)

We fear God because we know that God is holy and not one that we can take His mercy for granted. But fear of the Lord is not to be afraid with terror (3:16)... being constantly afraid that if one does something wrong, God will mete out judgment or punishment the very next instant.

He is so faithful in answering all our questions...


Monday, February 13, 2006

Immeasurable Worth

"For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Philippians 1:21)

Is it worthwhile to live for Christ? The answer is a resounding... YES!

Does the road then become problem and challenge free? A resounding... NO!

Living for Christ gives a life that's filled with meaning and purpose.

There's a sense of purpose in the simplest and the most mundane... in dressing up for work each morning, in boarding the bus and train each day, in spending time with family and friends, in walking over familiar grounds, in observing the faces amongst the crowds.

The simplest of things in life comes to life in Christ.

Dear child of God, would you lift up your eyes to heaven and receive God's purpose for you for today.

For God's Unconditional Love, His Incomprehensible Mercy and Irrevocable Grace, has given you... Immeasurable Worth.


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Further Updates

well, we didn't bake 4000 cookies. but we worked from 4.30 till 10ish and made and packed 3000+ cookies. thoroughly enjoyed the industrial baking experience. when things were on a roll, we really had a smooth assembly line going. but standing on ur feet for 4-5 hrs straight is no joke. then came the logistics of movign 300+ packs of cookies back to office for sale next week. Anyways, bottom line is.... U BETTER BUY COOKIES!! (p.s. they are $5 each pack and give me ur orders and i'll personally deliver them!!) butter raisin cookies and chocolate chip cookies.... it's for charity, but most importantly, u will be blessed when u give... so give generously.

New Job
Unless something unexpected happens, my secondment is 90% confirmed and will be official on Feb 17th when the case is being brought to the CDC (Career Development Committee) mtg.

Will be working in the Advisory side, specifically in the Strategic and Performance Mgmt division under Corporate Finance. Doing anything from consulting for business plans to feasibility studies to process improvements.... with the end of improving profitability.

No doubt that it will be an oppty for me to experience more of God's grace and His love. Praying that I will be a blessing to my new bosses, colleagues and clients. don't think i'm moving on to greener pastures, but will certainly grow more intimate with the Lord. I always believe that God moves us from faith to faith and from glory to glory... so in that sense, I'm excited, though still very mindful that one should remain in Christ during this transition phase.

Am also praying that I will be a blessing to my current bosses during the handover process.


Saturday, February 04, 2006


We have to raise $10,000 for the Cambodia trip... $5000 from the sale of T-shirts and $2,500 each from SCS (Student Care Services) and EDB.

First off, for the T-shirt sales, I have to sell 47 of them... so far have abt 10+ T-shirts left... my dear youths and friends, if u r reading this blog and have yet to buy a T-shirt, get ready ur ang pow money!! =)

For EDB's portion of $2,500. we are baking 4000 cookies to be sold in packs of 10, selling stuff at EDB's Charity Bazaar on Feb 10th. Nestle sponsored 1,100 bars of chocolates for us to sell, Crocs shoes gave us shoes to sell, and other misl stuff... But the highlight of the event on the 10th, is what I term... "Crooning for Charity". 3 of EDB's resident singing sensations will auction off 2 songs each... must get a few of my colleagues to win a song as a V-day present to our Dir!!

Hence, must automatically offer to buy the cookies and chocolates ok? haha... do you fell saboed for reading my blog.... hahaha....

In any case, if u do not yet know, I am scheduled for secondment to KPMG. Many things to give thanks for this to happen. First off, the entire interview process was smooth and there was favor. Second, my bosses allowed me to clear leave... the way I intended... Mar 11-18 to Cambodia and after wards to take 2 weeks of leave before starting work on 3rd Apr.... I was so planning to go for my US trip during those 2 weeks... or so I thought.

The bummer thing was... tickets to the US shoot up a few hundred after Mar 12 coz of change of season. n I just didn't have much peace when I prayed to go to the US... so I told the Lord... God then show me where I should go to spend the 2 weeks... but no response... so wait lar.... then just last Friday I found out why... organizationally, EDB needed me to start work before the end of the FY, which in EDB's case is 31 Mar... Hence my leave needed to be cut short and I will start work on Mar 27 (I guess I could negotiate for a few more days after if I really wanted to... will pray abt that...) ISN'T THE LORD GOOD??!! so am very grateful that I wasn't allowed to go ahead and book my tickets.... so how now brown cow?? will be extending my stay in Cambodia to visit Ang Kor Wat (am so sure the spelling is wrong) so at least I can say I've been there. then resting for the next few days before I start work at my new job. It'll be a 1+1, meaning all parties will review at the end of 1 year to see if we'll extend.

More on my new job in my next post... today... is the day of baking and packing of 4000 cookies... and in a real bakery too!! colleague's relative who owns a bakery was so kind to let us use his bakery after they are done with baking today and tomorrow... will find out if I can be a real baker yet.


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