Thursday, December 21, 2006

On Driving...

So for the most part of the past week... I got to have the car to myself since everyone was out of town for holidays in my family... and I must really say... Driving is really a very UNHOLY thing!!! my goodness i can totally understand how ppl get frustrated and get their patience tested big time on the road... and plus it was raining quite a bit the past week and really singaporean drivers become quite spazz on the road when it pours... =P

kind of became the airport chaeffeur too since family members and friend left and came back at different times so i think i made like 5 -6 trips to and fro the airport in the past week....

the long and short of driving experience is this..... while i acknowledge the convenience of having car and the joy of giving ppl rides and ability to worship God in the car... i now have more reasons beyond financial not to get a car... here goes:

1) obviously more expensive to upkeep a car then it is to take cabs or for that matter... call cabs each time i need to get around....

2) I don't get that extra sleep or time reading / thinking abt God on the bus to work... (worship is differennt from reading and meditating on the Word)

3) I have to fight for parking lots or pay lots for parking in CBD...

4) I definitely do not need to be fined TWICE for forgetting to put stoopid cashcard in reader before entering ERP zone... i mean... it's a real Art and Skill to avoid the ERP places and remember the times.... I mean I couldn't possibly simply stop in the middle of the road to find the cash card and put it in right?

5) my flesh won't be so alive.... i can be more at peace....

6) LESS stress....

but nonetheless, I am thankful that I had the car coz rehearsals and performances for Jesus Takes The Wheel ended rather late and it was good to have the car to get home speedily to bed....!!



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