Monday, October 23, 2006

TRUST HIM and Just Be Me...!!!

So, it's been a trying week... buried under the months, perhaps years, of ought-to and shoulds, I was at the brink of being burnt out... the physical demands of dance and work brought the tipping point... n i was burnt out... the physical tiredness just brought forth the emotional and spiritual stress that has been subciously been building up.

for every single prayer that was offered during this week, my friend, i thank u! it definitely was answered.

so, i just wanted to share the some lessons that i've learnt over the week, after gallons (so, i'm exaggerating, good sign that i'm coming back to normality... =) ) of tears and many hours of friends therapy... i hope you will be blessed too...

1) God is already VERY PLEASED with me
because He sees Christ in me, and already declares me righteous, holy, blameless and very, very precious... He loves me unconditionally, and I don't have to do a gazillion things for Him to be accepted. There's no actions to do or words to say that will add more or less to my position of great favor in Christ.

2) Focus on BEING REAL and not achieving
I need to be real with God. it's not everyday that I feel like doing all the good Christianity things or say all the nice spiritual words. these are all good things that we should desire but willing oneself to do these things (depending on own strength) or pretending that this is really what one really wants to do is very hypocritical. we can be honest with God about our true feelings (as if He doesn't know) and He'll understand and help us. while it sounds "holy" that we only want to do what a good Christian would do, or say what good Christians should say... God wants us to be real with Him... to be honest with Him about our own feelings / desires.

3) He gave us FREE WILL
He did not make robots... He made humans, with a mind to think and a will to choose. We are not puppets that God control from heaven. He delights in us being us... our own unique personalities. we don't give up being who we are... He doesn't want us to give up free will or He would have made us thus.

there are all precious lessons... but if I can have a favorite... this is it...

4) TRUST HIM and Just Be Me
generally, i distrust my own heart / desires and seems like the right Christian thing to do... but when it comes at the expense of me checking constantly whether my desires are inline with His, it borders on being fearful and not stepping out and following my heart (which is where the living waters is going to flow from...duh ) I don't have to look to myself to justify or cleanse my desires... I can trust that the living GOd who lives in me will do that.... I will have confidence to just live as Naomi not because i have desires that are His but I trust that He will take care of that.

GOd is awesome... and I mean it... no cliches, not coz it's the right thing to say... He just is...

be blessed!




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